Friday, January 14, 2011

How to Survive an Earthquake (Important New Tips)

The following is an article I received via an email message in early 2010, which I transcribed verbatim here:

Where  to be during an earthquake - New  Information

Remember that stuff about hiding  under a table or standing in a
doorway???  Well, Doug Copp has a completely reverse opinion.  This  is very
interesting, and different from what we have thought or been taught.

Please read this and pass the  info along to your family members and friends; it could
save  their lives someday!

Extract from DOUG COPP's article: 'TRIANGLE OF LIFE'

My name is  Doug Copp. I am the Rescue Chief and Disaster Manager of  the
American Rescue Team International (ARTI), the  world's most experienced
rescue team. The information  in this article will save lives in an

I have crawled inside 875  collapsed buildings, worked with rescue teams
from 60  countries, founded rescue teams in several countries,  and I am a
member of many rescue teams from many  countries.

I was the United Nations expert in  Disaster Mitigation for two years. I
have worked at  every major disaster in the world since 1985, except  for
simultaneous disasters.

The first building  I ever crawled inside of was a school in
Mexico  City
during the 1985 earthquake. Every child was  under its desk.. Every child
was crushed to the  thickness of their bones. They could have survived  by
lying down next to their desks in the aisles. It  was obscene, unnecessary
and I wondered why the  children were not in the aisles. I didn't at the
time  know that the children were told to hide under  something.

Simply stated, when buildings  collapse, the weight of the ceilings falling
upon the  objects or furniture inside crushes these objects,  leaving a
space or void next to them. This space is  what I call the 'triangle of
life'. The larger the  object, the stronger, the less it will compact.  The
less the object compacts, the larger the void,  the greater the probability
that the person who is  using this void for safety will not be injured.  The
next time you watch collapsed buildings, on  television, count the
'triangles' you see formed.  They are everywhere. It is the most common
shape, you  will see, in a collapsed building.


1) Most everyone who simply  'ducks and covers' WHEN BUILDINGS COLLAPSE  are crushed to death. People who get under objects,  like desks or cars, are crushed.

2) Cats, dogs  and babies often naturally curl up in the fetal  position.
You should too in an earthquake. It is a  natural safety/survival instinct.
You can survive in  a smaller void. Get next to an object, next to a  sofa,
next to a large bulky object that will compress  slightly but leave a void
next to it.

3)  Wooden buildings are the safest type of construction to  be in during an earthquake. Wood is flexible and  moves with the force of the earthquake. If the wooden  building does collapse, large survival voids are  created. Also, the wooden building has less  concentrated, crushing weight. Brick buildings will  break into individual bricks. Bricks will cause  many injuries but less squashed bodies than concrete  slabs.

4) If you are in bed during the night and  an earthquake occurs, simply
roll off the bed. A safe  void will exist around the bed. Hotels can
achieve a  much greater survival rate in earthquakes, simply by  posting a
sign on the back of the door of every room  telling occupants to lie down
on the floor, next to  the bottom of the bed during an earthquake.

5) If  an earthquake happens and you cannot easily escape by  getting out the door or window, then lie down and  curl up in the fetal position next to a sofa, or  large chair.

6) Most everyone who gets under a  doorway when buildings collapse is
killed. How? If  you stand under a doorway and the doorjamb falls  forward or backward you will be crushed by the  ceiling above. If the door jam falls sideways you  will be cut in half by the doorway. In either case,  you will be killed!

7) Never go to the stairs.  The stairs have a different 'moment of
frequency'  (they swing separately from the main part of the  building). The stairs and remainder of the building  continuously bump into each other until structural  failure of the stairs takes place. The people who get  on stairs before they fail are chopped up by the  stair treads - horribly
mutilated. Even if the  building doesn't collapse, stay away from the
stairs.  The stairs are a likely part of the building to be  damaged. Even
if the stairs are not collapsed by the  earthquake, they may collapse later
when overloaded  by fleeing people. They should always be checked  for
safety, even when the rest of the building is not  damaged.

8) Get near the outer walls of buildings  or outside of them if possible -
It is much better to  be near the outside of the building rather than  the
interior. The farther inside you are from the  outside perimeter of the
building the greater the  probability that your escape route will be

9) People inside of their vehicles  are crushed when the road above falls
in an  earthquake and crushes their vehicles; which is exactly  what
happened with the slabs between the decks of the  Nimitz Freeway. The
victims of the San Francisco  earthquake all stayed inside of their
vehicles. They  were all killed. They could have easily survived by  getting
out and sitting or lying next to their  vehicles. Everyone killed would
have survived if they  had been able to get out of their cars and sit or
lie  next to them. All the crushed cars had voids 3 feet high  next to them,
except for the cars that had columns  fall directly across them.

10) I discovered,  while crawling inside of collapsed newspaper offices  and other offices with a lot of paper, that paper  does not compact. Large voids are found surrounding  stacks of paper.

Spread the word and save  someone's life.... The Entire world is
experiencing  natural calamities so be prepared!

'We are but  angels with one wing, it takes two to fly'

In  1996 we made a film, which proved my survival  methodology to be
correct. The Turkish Federal  Government, City of  Istanbul , University of
Istanbul  Case Productions and ARTI cooperated to film this  practical,
scientific test. We collapsed a school and  a home with 20 mannequins
inside. Ten mannequins did  'duck and cover,' and ten mannequins I used in
my  'triangle of life' survival method. After the simulated  earthquake
collapse we crawled through the rubble and  entered the building to film
and document the  results. The film, in which I practiced my  survival
techniques under directly observable,  scientific conditions , relevant to
building  collapse, showed there would have been zero percent  survival for
those doing duck and cover.

There  would likely have been 100 percent survivability for  people using my
method of the 'triangle of life.'  This film has been seen by millions of
viewers on  television in
Turkey and the rest of Europe
, and it was  seen in
USA , Canada and Latin America
on the TV  program Real TV.

Ronald D  Smith
ron.smith@lacity. org
City of  
L.A. - Info Technology Agency
CHE 13th floor,  MS232
200 N. Main St
.Los Angeles, CA  90012


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Emergencies - Coping without Gas or Electricity

The following article was transcribed verbatim from:

Coping with an electric power blackout or gas stoppage can be difficult. Making an emergency plan is helpful, especially if you have children or elderly people to care for. Maintaining heat, light, cooking facilities and food storage can be difficult. Keep a battery-powered torch, radio and other appliances ready.

Interruptions to your gas or electricity supply can seriously hamper your lifestyle. You may have to think laterally to come up with ways to continue bathing, eating and keeping warm. The following are suggestions you may find useful.

Power blackout – general suggestions

Suggestions include:
  • Have an emergency kit prepared (see the 'Devise an emergency plan' section of this fact sheet).
  • Switch off all electrical appliances, especially those that have heating elements.
  • Unplug ‘surge-sensitive’ equipment, such as computers and video recorders.
  • Keep one light switch turned on so you know when the power returns.
  • Telephone your electricity provider for updates on the status of the blackout.
  • Turn on a battery-operated radio and listen to a local radio station for information.
  • Check on your neighbours to see if they need assistance, particularly if they are elderly or have a disability.
Heat and light
Suggestions include:
  • Multiple layers of clothing trap body heat more efficiently than one bulky layer.
  • The body loses a great deal of heat through the scalp so wear a hat.
  • Close doors, windows and blinds to maintain heat.
  • Torches are much safer sources of light than candles. Make sure you have a good stock of batteries.
  • If you must use candles, keep them away from draughts and away from children.
  • Be aware of fire hazards – keep candles away from curtains and other flammable objects.
  • Make sure to extinguish all candles before retiring for the night.
Food storage
Foods such as poultry, meat and dairy products must be kept chilled. If you are without electricity and the use of your refrigerator, suggestions include:
  • Try to keep cold and frozen food cold. If food is still cold to touch, less than 5°C, it is safe to use.
  • Once cold or frozen food is no longer cold to touch, 5°C or above, it can be kept and eaten for up to four hours and then it must be thrown away or, if it is raw meat, it should be cooked and eaten.
  • Eat hot food within four hours of it being hot or throw it away.
  • If power is restored when frozen food is still cold to touch, less than 5°C, the food is safe to refreeze.
  • Choose foods that don’t require refrigeration, such as bread, spreads, fruit, vegetables and canned products.
  • You could try extending the life of your perishables by storing them temporarily in an Esky or car refrigerator.
Preparing food
Most recipes can be adapted to other cooking processes – for example, rice and pasta can be cooked in the microwave. Suggestions include:
  • If you have no gas, cook foods in the microwave or other electrical appliances. Check manufacturer’s instructions for further details and suggested cooking times.
  • Remember that microwave ovens cook foods unevenly. Always stir at various times throughout the cooking process and allow for ‘standing time’.
  • If you have neither gas nor electricity, cook foods outside on the barbecue. Never use a barbeque inside a home, tent or caravan.
  • Use foods that don’t require cooking, such as salad vegetables, tinned meats, breads and breakfast cereals.
Washing and bathing safely
If hot water is not available for up to 24 hours then it is appropriate not to wash, unless hygiene is a particular issue. If hygiene is an issue, disposable baby wipe products that are not soap based may be used without water.

For longer periods of disruption to gas or electricity supplies, you may need to find alternative means of heating water. Suggestions include:

  • If you have electricity but no gas, use the microwave, electric hotplates and kettles to heat water.
  • If you have gas but no electricity, use your gas hot water system or gas hotplates.
  • If you have neither, use the barbecue to heat water outside. Never use a barbeque inside a home, tent or caravan.
  • Take special care when heating water in unfamiliar ways. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to reduce the risk of injuries.
  • If you need to carry containers of hot or boiling water, don’t overfill them and make sure to insulate the handles to prevent scalds from steam. Keep children well away.
  • Before bathing, check the temperature of the water. Don’t attempt to ‘top up’ with hot or boiling water when someone is already sitting in the bath.
Looking after your baby or young child
Parenting without gas or electricity can be tricky, particularly where food preparation and hygiene are concerned. Suggestions include:
  • Maintain personal hygiene after changing nappies or before handling food by washing your hands with soap and cold water.
  • Use disposable instead of cloth nappies.
  • If you can’t boil bottles, sterilise them in commercially prepared disinfecting solutions. Follow the instructions on the manufacturer’s label.
  • If you have electricity, run bottles through the dishwasher.
  • Don’t use the microwave oven to warm up your baby’s bottle, as you risk scalding. It is fine to give your baby cold milk.
Devise an emergency plan
Your family should devise an emergency plan in case of interruptions to electricity or gas supplies. Suggestions include: 
  • Keep emergency numbers by the telephone.
  • Have an emergency kit already packed. This should include a radio, torches, batteries, and copies of insurance and other important papers, bottled water, some tinned food and first aid kit.
  • Ensure that any medication is accessible.
  • Your radio should be portable and battery-operated.
  • Make sure each member of the household knows to turn off electrical appliances and unplug sensitive equipment when there is a blackout.
Where to get help 
  • Your electricity supplier
  • Your gas supplier
  • State Emergency Service
Things to remember
  • During a blackout, switch off all electrical appliances (especially those that have heating elements) and unplug ‘surge-sensitive’ equipment such as computers and video recorders.
  • Your family should devise an emergency plan in case of interruptions to electricity or gas supplies.

Credit:  Better Health Channel,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mike Adams' Predictions for 2011, 2012, and Beyond

The following article by Mike Adams, Editor of, was transcribed verbatim from:
[Please click on the links (in violet font) for more information.]

(NaturalNews) What's ahead for 2011 - 2012? This time in human history promises to bring forth more changes than any other similar duration of time known to our civilization. I believe the changes that will occur in the next two years will rock the foundations of our economies, governments and belief systems. In the end, after considerable turmoil, I see a great expansion of human consciousness and a maturing of the human race. Here are the details...

More people growing their own food
Beginning in 2011 and continuing for many years beyond, we will see an explosion in the number of people growing their own food. People see the big trends in the food supply fast approaching: GMO contamination of crops, the loss of local food production due to FDA interference, the crackdown on small farmers, and even disruptions in the global food supply.

As people realize the importance of having their own home-grown source of food, we will see a surge in backyard gardens, food storage and in-home production methods such as sprouting and food dehydrating.

We will see a strong "back to basics" interest surge leading up to
2012, with many people choosing to move out of high-density cities (or even high-density nations) and seek self-reliance in more rural areas.

This will also reveal renewed interest in home-grown meat production with more people growing (and eating) their own chickens and cows rather than relying on processed, factory-farmed meats.

Increased awareness of natural remedies and health freedom
The natural health community will achieve significant victories over the next two years in awakening people to natural remedies, medicinal herbs and the core ideas of health freedom. The monopolistic pushers of pharmaceuticals are fighting a desperate, losing battle to try to keep people ignorant, but they will lose that fight and natural medicine will ultimately emerge as the healing method of choice for an increasing number of people.

Natural childbirth will continue to gain recognition around the world, and more parents will begin to question the ADHD drugging of their children. The
industry of psychiatry as we know it today will continue crumbling under the burden of fraud and criminal behavior, finally collapsing well before 2020 thanks to the efforts of a few groups, notably CCHR.

The global shift away from pharmaceuticals and toward disease prevention and
nutrition will accelerate in 2011 - 2012, with vitamin D leading the charge. An increasing number of people will learn about top nutrients such as resveratrol, astaxanthin and omega-3s. Nutrition education will become increasingly evident in public schools, and many school lunch programs will be reworked to remove more processed dead foods and increase real nutrition.

Significant victories will be achieved over water fluoridation, mercury fillings and GMOs (see below). The
vaccine issue, however, will remain highly contentious. Victory over seasonal flu vaccines will take many more years...

More people waking up to reality
Today, most people are sleepwalking through their lives, functioning as cogs in a giant machine of which they have no knowledge and no control. Over the next two years, that will significantly change. More and more people will be awakened into a state of awareness. They will realize that living out their lives working mundane jobs, watching television, eating junk food and taking pharmaceuticals is not fulfilling their true purpose in life, and many will seek a higher purpose.

An increasing number of people will come to understand that their lives are mere illusion -- that they've been following programming set out for them by others, and that if they wish to truly achieve
freedom (of mind), they must break out of the patterns that have been constructed for them.

As a result, we're going to see more people rebelling against the status quo while simultaneously expanding their own awareness of the bigger picture -- how things work in our world and what their role might be in uplifting our shared reality.

In the short term, this might result in a tremendous amount of strife, but in the end, it will give rise to a true uplifting of consciousness among the people in our world.

Specific upcoming victories in the world of natural health
• The People will achieve significant victories over GMOs. I believe that We the People will ultimately win this battle against GMOs in America. As information about the dangers of GMOs continues to spread, people will increasingly demand that GMO foods be labeled. With enough support (perhaps in 2012, but probably later), a law will be passed requiring that GMO foods be labeled as such, and that will spell the beginning of the end of the GMO era in America.

• The
FDA will, one way or another, be forced to admit that mercury fillings ("silver fillings") are dangerous for human health. At the very least, the agency will warn that children and expectant mothers should not be exposed to silver fillings. If this does not happen, you can expect a popular revolt against the FDA and a loud cry for the dissolution of the entire agency.

• The next big public health battle will be over water fluoridation, and you can expect
NaturalNews, the Fluoride Action Network and many other organizations to turn up the heat on the dangers of water fluoridation. Expect to see the fluoride pushers eventually forced to back down and admit that the fluoride dripped into the municipal water supplies is actually collected as a toxic waste byproduct of the phosphate mining industry. (We are releasing a significant mini-documentary on this topic in the next 30 days.) The reputation of the ADA -- which has backed mercury fillings for decades -- is headed into the dumpsters.

• On the issue of freedom and liberty, I predict a surge of interest in Libertarian political philosophy from both former Democrats and former Republicans who realize that the path to prosperity and freedom is found in individual liberty and personal responsibility. I see the Tea Party suffering from disillusionment as its own elected members betray its supporters with more taxes and
Big Government spending. Expect to see Ron Paul and Rand Paul do extraordinarily well in the coming years (as long as they stay on principle), and watch for a groundswell of popular support for the once-again-new idea of sensibly limited government.

• Watch for a rise in the Tenth Amendment movement in America as an increasing number of Americans fight back against what they see as a dangerous expansion of the power of the
federal government. With the TSA in your pants and the FDA in your greenhouse, there's no telling what part of your life Big Brother wants to control next. America was founded on the idea of limited government, and I believe we'll see a powerful, passionate movement that seeks to bring the federal government back down to its Constitutionally-mandated size (which is a fraction of its current size and scope). The Tenth Amendment, by the way, specifically reserves all rights not specifically granted to the federal government to be held by the States or the People. The Constitution, for the record, never granted the federal government the right to run a health care system, nor to give away the power to coin money to a private banking cartel, nor to inspect your backyard food production operation that you use to produce jams and jellies for the local farmers' market.

Specific short-term predictions
• Expect a new Big Government war on internet freedom. Mostly due to the Wikileaks releases, governments around the world are going to desperately attempt to police the internet and clamp down on web-based free speech. This will likely result in an online war between the "empire" (the USA and the UN) and the "rebel alliance" (the internet hackers such as 'anonymous').

• By the end of 2012, I predict significant food supply disruptions in North America, brought about either by radical
weather affecting crop yields or perhaps the invasion of disease indirectly caused by the over-use of pesticides or GMOs. The number of people in America struggling to feed themselves and their families will rise along with food prices (see next). This will inevitably result in a huge increase in crime (burglaries, thefts) at precisely the same time that cities are laying off local law enforcement officers due to budgetary restrictions.

• Expect to see food prices climb with alarming speed over the next two years. Wheat is already on the rise, and even meat prices will surge up sharply before the end of 2012. While food won't disappear, it will become significantly more expensive, causing more people to shift to subsidized foods (corn, sugar, etc.) which also happen to be some of the worst foods for your health. GMOs are cheap in the short run... until you get your hospital bill.

Oil prices will also trend sharply upwards over the next two years. We will almost certainly see
oil at $150 per barrel and possibly even at $200 for a brief time. This will of course impact food prices, the transportation industry and virtually the entire economy.

• By late 2012, the economic downfall of the
United States will have accelerated, and the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar will by that time have become apparent to virtually everyone. The ability of the U.S. Treasury to auction its debt will drop sharply as ratings institutions either downgrade U.S. debt or publicly threaten to.

Long-term predictions
• Over the next decade, I predict a disappearing "health middle class" and a great divide between the healthy and the sick. The healthy, you see, are consuming superfoods, getting sunshine on their skin and taking nutritional supplements on a daily basis. The unhealthy are eating processed foods, taking prescription medications and following the advice of their ignorant doctors even if it kills them. There will be fewer people of "average" health in America in the coming years. The masses will gravitate toward disease and sickness while the informed few (such as NaturalNews readers, raw food vegans, superfood fans and so on) will get healthier and more productive.

• By 2025, the FDA as we know it today will be ancient
history, and a new era of food freedom and health freedom will have swept across the former United States of America. Marijuana will become a key crop for raising revenue for the states (or the equivalent governing entity), the pharmaceutical industry will have severely downsized, and the scientific censorship of the FDA will have been abandoned to a chapter of the dark history of America. Millions of doctors, oncologists and useless government bureaucrats will find themselves out of work or, in the most extreme cases, subjected to court trials for their crimes against humanity.

• By 2030, it will become obvious that all those people treated with vaccines, chemotherapy, pharmaceuticals and conventional medical procedures are largely infertile and dying from degenerative disease. Also by this time, those individuals who ate diets largely made of GMOs, processed foods and artificial chemical additives will discover they, too, are infertile and diseased. The dying, diseased people of the western world will look back upon the "age of medical science" with hatred and disbelief, and the vaccines, chemotherapy, mercury fillings, water fluoridation and other poisons that are common in our world today will, by 2030, be written up in the history books as examples of humanity's incredible capacity for self-deception and faulty thinking, even in the realm of so-called "science."

Health Ranger predictions are already coming true
Many of the predictions I made a year ago have already come true, by the way. These include:

• China unleashes armies of corporate espionage hackers onto western nations (now verified as true through Wikileaks cables)

• A worldwide shortage of rare earth metals (already under way)

• Food supply disruptions (disruptions have been widely reported throughout 2010)

• Honeybee population collapse spreads to other species (bats are now threatened, too)

• Weather patterns become increasingly radicalized (also widely reported in 2010)

• Medical imaging scandal unfolds as older patients begin to show serious health damage from radiation via mammograms, CT scans and more (widely reported in medical journals in 2010)

• War on health freedom ramps up, targeting
raw milk, homeopathy, herbs and supplements (major raids have been conducted this year on food co-ops and raw milk producers)

• New attempts are made to destroy internet freedom (the UN is now planning to roll out internet police, and the U.S. customs department has been seizing websites for the last several months)

These are just some of the many predictions I made one year ago. Many more will yet come true in the years ahead. Overall, by the way, I remain optimistic about our future, if only because it is evident that by living through suffering, oppression and slavery, enough members of the human race will finally see the importance of health freedom and take the necessary action to regain it and defend it for generations to come.

In the grand experiment of nations and civilizations now playing out across our tiny planet, those nations which forget the importance of health and freedom are doomed to eventually destroy themselves. Only those nations which recognize freedom and invest in the health of their citizens have any sustainable future. And one day, such a nation of truly free people will undoubtedly rise from the ashes of whatever is left after the current global miscalculations run their course.

Credit: Mike Adams,